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Our Story

God prophetically spoke to Bishop Timothy and Bethany Groves about this network in 2010.  They took that word and prayerfully waited on the Lord’s timing for its fulfillment.  When Time 2 Move Ministries was incorporated as a 501(c)3 non profit ministry in 2014, it was established at that time that this ministry would have a credentialing department and ministerial network.
From January to March 2017, as Bishop Tim traveled from Maine to Florida, he received three words from the Lord that the Lord was getting ready to do something new and that new doors were about to open.  In April of 2017, while ministering in a church in Maine, the Lord called Bishop Tim out of the audience to receive a prophetic word.  The word was this: “You are very pregnant and you are about to give birth to an apostolic network and hub where you will ordain people into ministry and oversee churches and ministries to bring them together in order to build the kingdom of God.”
It was now clear the Lord was releasing T2MM to begin KBN.  So before KBN officially launched, Bishop Tim conferred with two people that he was submitted to for their blessing.  Upon receiving that blessing, KBN was launched in late April 2017.  We didn't do public advertising, but word began to spread.
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We stood amazed at how the Lord has been steadily growing this network.  We helped to establish two new church plants in 2018.  We established a few more church plants in 2019.  We expect that to continue as the Lord directs.  We have a KBN presence in twenty-one states.  We also have a KBN presence in Mexico and Kenya. We currently have over 130 credentialed ministers and we are affiliated with over fifteen churches or ministries.   We give God the glory for all He is doing in this ministry.

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