Statement of Beliefs
for Kingdom Builders Network
These statements are a brief synapsis of our declaration of faith.
More detailed statements are available upon request.
1. The Holy Scriptures.
We believe the Bible is God's Word and the final authority of our faith.
2. The One True God.
We believe in the one true God, eternally existing in three distinct, co-equal and co-eternal persons; God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit.
3. Jesus Christ.
We believe Jesus Christ is the Son
of God and was conceived by the
Holy Spirit, born of a virgin, lived a
sinless life, and performed many miracles in
order to reveal God to man as well as redeem
and restore mankind.
4. Redemption.
We believe Jesus accomplished our redemption through His vicarious
and substitutional death on the cross and justification is made sure
by His literal and physical resurrection from the dead. We
believe Jesus ascended to Heaven and is exalted
at the right hand of God.
​5. The Fall of Man.
We believe man was created good, but by voluntary
transgression, man fell and inherited a sin nature and became
separated from God. Man's only hope of redemption is through
the blood of Jesus. Man is saved by the washing of regeneration
and renewing of the Holy Spirit, and justified by grace through faith.
​6. Ordinances.
We believe the ordinance of Water Baptism is
commanded in the scriptures. We also believe Communion,
known as the Lord’s Supper, is something we are expected to do
on a regular basis. The elements of bread and the fruit of the vine are
symbols of the covenant Jesus made for us, providing for us
healing and salvation to all who believe.
​7. The Baptism in
the Holy Spirit.
We believe Christians should ardently expect
and receive, the baptism in the Holy Spirit. With this baptism
comes an endowment of power for service and the
bestowment of the gifts of the Spirit.
This experience is separate from salvation
and with this baptism comes an
overflowing fullness of the Spirit,
a deepened reverence for God,
an intensified consecration to God and His work,
a more active love for Jesus,
His word and the lost and the acceptance of a
heavenly prayer language known as speaking in tongues.
​8. Divine Healing.
We believe divine healing is an integral part of the gospel.
We believe deliverance from sickness is provided in the atonement
and is the privilege of all believers to receive by faith.
​9. Mission of the Church.
We believe the church is the ekklesia, a called out group that governs.
The church is to carry out the will of God on the earth.
We believe Jesus has given gifts to the church
(apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers).
These gifts are given to equip the saints to go forth and do the work of the ministry.
​10. End Times.
We believe in the rapture of the church.
We believe after the tribulation Christ
will visibly return to the earth with His saints
to reign for a 1,000 years.
We believe in a final judgment.
If your name is not found in the Book of Life,
you will be cosigned into everlasting punishment
with the devil and his angels.
Those who have been redeemed
will look for a new heaven and a new earth.
​​11. Giving.
We believe every Christian is a steward of the finances
that God has entrusted to him or her.
We believe God desires us to be cheerful givers
and to financially support the work of the Church
and the advancement of the Kingdom of God.
​​12. Accountability.
We believe we are all called to be in submission to someone.
We believe God requires us to be subject to the governing authorities.
We believe to be a person of authority you must be a person under authority.
When we place ourselves under someones authority it is for protection and
accountability, not for that authority to lord it over us or to dominate us.